Pet Care

Can Dogs Understand Human Emotions?

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Can Dogs Understand Human Emotions?

While dogs have always been described as “man’s best friend”, their capacity to work out what a human is feeling is more than just friendly devotion. Pet owners frequently find they can tell when their dog is reacting to their feelings —, comforting them when they’re sad, getting excited when they’re happy, or even reacting to stress when their master is upset.

But do dogs really recognize human emotions or are they just reacting to social cues? There are scientific studies, behavioral research, and anecdotal accounts that indicate dogs seem to be quite sensitive to our emotions. This article delves into how dogs recognize human feelings, the science behind their emotional intelligence, and how to enhance the emotional bond between dogs and owners.

1. How Do Dogs Perceive Human Emotions?

Dogs Use Their Senses to Understand Human Emotions They study facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, even scents, for signs of their owner’s mood.

A. Facial Expressions and Body Language

Dogs have an acute sensitivity to facial expressions. They can tell, studies show, the difference between a happy face and an angry one.

  • A face with a smile such as this makes dogs feel comfortable and cheerful.
  • A frown or angry face may make them anxious or avoidant.
  • “You’ll often see dogs responding to raised eyebrows, crossed arms or tense body language, which indicates distress,” she added.
B. Tone of Voice

Dogs are quite attuned to the rise and fall of your voice. They are capable of distinguishing between:

  • A calm, soothing voice, that comforts them.
  • A squeaky, enthusiastic voice, which promotes playfulness.
  • A threatening or angry voice, making them afraid or servile.
C. Sense of Smell

It’s known that dogs have an acute sense of smell and are able to sense chemical changes in the human body. And just as humans release different hormones depending on their emotional state — fear, stress or happiness — dogs can sense and smell the changes.

2. The Science Behind Dogs Understanding Human Emotions


Studies have shown ample evidence that dogs can sense human emotions and react to them in ways that transcend simple conditioning.

A. Research Studies on Dog Emotional Recognition
  • Study from University of Lincoln and University of São Paulo (2016)
  • Dogs showed the ability to match human facial expressions with emotional vocalizations, researchers found.
  • The research concluded that dogs were able to build a mental representation of human emotions.
  • Neuroscience and MRI Studies
  • Scans using an MRI have demonstrated that dogs’ brains respond differently based on whether a human is expressing positive or negative emotions.
  • The reward centers of dogs’ brains light up upon hearing their owners’ happy voices.
  • Dogs and Oxytocin (The Love Hormone)
  • Studies have found that when dogs and their humans look into each other’s eyes, both get a surge of oxytocin.
  • In humans, oxytocin is the hormone that promotes bonding between parents and their children.
B. Do Dogs Feel Empathy?

By definition, empathy is the ability to feel and comprehend another being’s feelings. Many pet owners feel that their dogs comfort them when they feel sad.

  • Dogs have been seen licking their owners’ faces, laying their heads on their laps or snuggling closer when their owner is distressed.
  • Research shows that dogs can detect distress, and they may even attempt to “help” by getting physically closer.

3. How do dogs respond to various human emotions?

Different emotions shown by humans will lead dogs to act differently.

A. Happiness
  • Wagging their tail
  • Standing up with arms aloft in joy
  • So you should bring toys with you to engage
B. Sadness or Depression
  • Staying nearby their owner, either sitting or lying
  • Grooming the owner’s face or hands
  • The calming down and listening to experience
C. Fear or Anxiety
  • Lowered ears and tail
  • Wanting to be close to their owner
  • The whining or submissive behavior
D. Anger or Frustration
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Moving away or cowering
  • Attempting to placate by licking or rolling over

 4. Can Dogs Detect When Humans Are Sick?

In addition to feeling emotions, dogs also have demonstrated a keen sense of awareness that has allowed them to identify medical problems, adding to the evidence that the four-legged companions can sense changes in the human body.

A. Identify Walks of Stress and Anxiety
  • Dogs also can sense increased cortisol in stressed people.
  • Many therapy dogs assist people with anxiety disorders by providing comfort during panic attacks.
B. Detecting Illnesses

Some dogs can sniff out cancer, sensing chemical changes in the body.

  • A diabetic alert dog can smell blood sugar highs and lows and notify the owner.
  • The seizure alert dog predictsepileptic seizures before their occurance
  • This ability is phenomenal and it further strengthens the claims that dogs are great attuners of their owners emotional and physical states.

5. Steps to strengthen you emotional bond with your dog

You might think that because dogs are sensitive to human emotions, it needs to be given a thought to pet owners on how they treat their pets.

A. Positive Reinforcement

Dogs respond to positive reinforcement. When they engage in good behavior, praising them and rewarding them helps to build the emotional bond they have with you!

B. Spending Time Together
  • Taking quality time out to play, walk, and train your dog can help with the developing bond.
  • A dog that is secure in their love for their owner will respond more positively to their owners’ emotions.
C. Emotional Management — So You Can Be OK Around Your Dog
  • And dogs often pick up on when their owners are high-strung, which leaves them on edge.
  • Be as calm and relaxed around your dog as you can be at all times, especially when training.
D. Using Comforting Touch

Tactile interaction matters deeply to dogs in the way in which they learn from emotion and respond to emotion.

  • This calms them when they are fearful, as the act of petting is gentle.
  • Not all dogs appreciate being hugged; for some, it feels limiting. Belly rubs or gentle scratches, on the other hand, can be calming.

Do All Breeds of Dog Understand Human Emotion Consciously?

Certain dog breeds are more emotionally attuned to humans than others.

A. Highly Sensitive Breeds

Breeds often praised for their emotional intelligence include:

  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Border Collies
  • Poodles
  • German Shepherds

Their ability to read human emotions well makes them great therapy or service dog breeds.

B. Independent Breeds

Certain breeds are generally much more independent than others and may not show the same degree of emotional attachment — think Chow Chows, Basenjis, or Afghan Hounds, for instance. They are able to hear their owners, however — they just don't respond in the most obvious way.

The Role of Dogs in Emotional Support and Therapy

Their ability to sense and respond to human emotions makes dogs a vital player in therapy and emotional support.

A. Therapy Dogs
  • Used in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools to provide comfort.
  • Help individuals with PTSD, depression, and anxiety.
B. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)
  • Provide companionship and emotional stability to their owners.
  • General comfort, not trained for certain tasks
C. Service Dogs

Trained to help those with disabilities such as mental health.


Next step: Dogs show incredibly understanding of human emotion. Through facial expressions, tone of voice, scent detection and body language, they can perceive when their owners are happy or sad or stressed, even when they are sick.

Researches have further proved that dogs possess emotional intelligence, answering what dog lovers have believed for hundreds of years—Dogs are always in touch with their owners.

When you learn to better connect with your canine companion through simple positive experiences, whether that means giving him or her a scratch behind the ears or some loving words, you can work on creating a bond based on mutual affection and emotional connection.